Language, the flagship journal of the Linguistic Society of America, is published quarterly and contains articles, short reports, and book reviews on all aspects of linguistics, focusing on the area of linguistic theory. Since 2013, Language features online content in addition to the print edition, including supplemental materials and articles presented in various sections: Teaching Linguistics; Language and Public Policy; Commentaries; Research Reports; and Perspectives. Language has been the primary literary vehicle for the Society since 1924.
Access Language
- For LSA members, access to Language is provided on the Member Portal, which can be viewed when logged-in to the website. Once in the portal, click "Access Membership Benefits," and then click "Read Language." View all issues of Language from 2001 (Volume 77) to the current issue, as well as select issues prior to 2001. Individual subscriptions are available only as one of the benefits of membership in the LSA. Join LSA.
Back issues (from 1925 to the current volume minus 5 years) may be accessed electronically through an institutional subscription on JSTOR.
Individual hard copies may be purchased through the LSA, subject to availability. For availability and pricing, please contact the LSA Secretariat. Your delivery address can be updated through the "My Profile" page of your member portal.
Institutional subscriptions
Colleges, universities, and research institutes may subscribe through this website.
Submit to Language
- Instructions for submitting to Language can be found on the journal's dedicated submissions site.
Permission to reprint articles
The Copyright Clearance Center, LSA’s authorized vendor, issues copyright for articles published between 1925 and 2012.
Beginning in 2013, the copyright for articles is retained by the author(s); requests for reprint permissions for articles published after 2012 should be directed to the individual authors.