Language - Volume 97, Number 2 (June 2021)

The effect of phonotactics on alternation learning

Adam J. Chong

pp. 213-244, DOI: 10.1353/lan.2021.0017

Rethinking cartography

Richard K. Larson

pp. 245-268, DOI: 10.1353/lan.2021.0018

Mayan agent focus and the ergative extraction constraint: Facts and fictions revisited

Jessica Coon, Nico Baier, & Theodore Levin

pp. 269-332, DOI: 10.1353/lan.2021.0019

Planting the seed for sound change: Evidence from real-time MRI of velum kinematics in German

Christopher Carignan, Stefano Coretta, Jens Frahm, Jonathan Harrington, Phil Hoole, Arun Joseph, Esther Kunay, & Dirk Voit

pp. 333-364, DOI: 10.1353/lan.2021.0020

Metrical prominence asymmetries in Medumba, a Grassfields Bantu language

Kathryn Franich

pp. 365-402, DOI: 10.1353/lan.2021.0021

Language and Public Policy

Publishing in the Language and Public Policy section of Language

Vaidehi Ramanathan & Patricia Cukor-Avila

pp. 403-405, DOI: 10.1353/lan.2021.0022

Teaching Linguistics

Publishing in the Teaching Linguistics section of Language

Kazuko Hiramatsu & Michal Temkin Martinez

pp. 406-408, DOI: 10.1353/lan.2021.0023

Research Report

Across-the-board tonal polarity in Kipsigis: Implications for the morphology-phonology interface

Maria Kouneli & Yining Nie

pp. e111-e138, DOI: 10.1353/lan.2021.0030


Cycles in language change ed. by Miriam Bouzouita et al. (review)

David W. Lightfoot

pp. 409-414, DOI: 10.1353/lan.2021.0024

Developments in English historical morpho-syntax ed. by Claudia Claridge and Birte Bös (review)

Kristin Bech

pp. 414-419, DOI: 10.1353/lan.2021.0025

Current approaches to syntax: A comparative handbook ed. by András Kertész et al. (review)

Joyce Tang Boyland

pp. 419-425, DOI: 10.1353/lan.2021.0026

Multimodal conduct in the law: Language, gesture and materiality in legal interaction by Gregory Matoesian and Kristin Enola Gilbert (review)

Elizabeth Mertz

pp. 425-431, DOI: 10.1353/lan.2021.0027

The Editor's Report

The Editor's Report - June 2021

Andries W. Coetzee & John Beavers

pp. 432-435, DOI: 10.1353/lan.2021.0028