Who are LSA Fellows?
Members of the Society who have made distinguished contributions to the discipline may be recognized as Fellows of the Linguistic Society of America. Distinguished contributions may include:
- Scholarly excellence;
- Service to the LSA;
- Service to language communities;
- Service to government, nonprofit organizations and/or industry;
- Teaching and mentoring excellence;
- Sustained effort in the above areas over the course of their careers.
Nomination and Selection of Fellows
Nominations for LSA Fellows will open in the Spring, 2025.
According to the LSA Constitution and Bylaws, up to eight members may be recognized as Fellows each year by the at-large members of the Executive Committee, who are to select from among eligible individuals nominated by any member of the Society in good standing. Current members are eligible for election if they have at least four years of continuous membership at the time of their nomination. Nominations may be made to the Secretariat, which will issue a call each year and prepare a list of nominees for consideration. The Secretariat will confirm that the nominee is a member in good standing before preparing the ballot.
No member of the Executive Committee will be eligible for election as a Fellow while serving in that office. Members who are Fellows may be nominated to serve as Officers or on the Executive Committee.
Additional guidance was approved by the LSA Executive Committee on February 8, 2019, and amended on July 28, 2021.
When considering nominations of fellows, the at-large members of the Executive Committee shall strive to ensure that the total population of LSA Fellows reflects:
- Diversity of subfields;
- Demographic diversity;
- The highest standards of professional conduct.
Nominations of women and underrepresented ethnic minorities are especially encouraged.
The at-large members of the Executive Committee shall meet in confidential session to discuss the merits of each nominee prior to voting, consulting with other members of the Executive Committee as deemed appropriate or necessary.
A member of the Society who has served as an Officer of the Society (i.e., President or Secretary-Treasurer), as Editor of an LSA journal, or as (co)Director of a Linguistic Institute, shall be recognized as a Fellow upon conclusion of service in that office. The initial set of Fellows shall include all current members of the Society who have held any of these offices.
From the LSA Constitution (Article II, No. 8) and Bylaws (Pursuant to Article II, No. 4).
LSA Fellows by Year of Induction
- Grant Goodall
- Sun-Ah Jun
- Jeffrey Lidz
- Louise McNally
- Andrea D. Sims
- Ana Arregui
- Lisa Lai-Shen Cheng
- Kristin Denham
- Jeff Good
- Gregory R. Guy
- Kyle Brian Johnson
- Christine Mallinson
- Alec Marantz
- Michel DeGraff
- Ashwini Deo
- Lenore Grenoble
- Ceil Lucas
- William O'Grady
- Eric Potsdam
- Arthur Spears
- William S-Y Wang
- Robert Bayley
- Diane Brentari
- Anne H. Charity Hudley
- Elizabeth Hume
- Pauline Jacobson
- Laura Michaelis
- Natalie Schilling
- Mark Baker
- David Beaver
- Megan Crowhurst
- Colleen Fitzgerald
- Sonja Lanehart
- Richard Larson
- Anne Lobeck
- Ricardo Otheguy
- Graham Thurgood
- Raul Aranovich
- Juliette Blevins
- Claire Bowern
- Mary Bucholtz
- Ives Goddard
- Nina Hyams
- Sharon Inkelas
- Monica Macaulay
- Miriam Meyerhoff
- Rena Torres Cacoullos
- Georgia Zellou
- Karen Emmorey
- Heidi Harley
- Dan Jurafsky
- Rusty Barrett
- Patrice Beddor
- Patrick Farrell
- Andrew Hippisley
- Salikoko S. Mufwene
- Colin Phillips
- Joe Salmons
- Gillian Sankoff
- Marlyse Baptista
- Greg Carlson
- Nora C. England (D)
- Gregory Stump
- Sali Tagliamonte
- Anthony C. Woodbury
- Karlos Arregi
- Robert Blust
- Jonathan Bobaljik
- Eve V. Clark
- William Croft
- Kai von Fintel
- Lisa Green
- Sabine Iatridou
- Maria Polinsky
- Alan Yu
- John Baugh
- Lyle Campbell
- Andries Coetzee
- C.-T. James Huang
- Ellen Kaisse
- Patricia Keating
- Donna Jo Napoli
- Robin Queen
- Bernard Spolsky (D)
- Donca Steriade
- Thomas Wasow
- Hagit Borer
- Wallace Chafe (D)
- Gennaro Chierchia
- Lyn Frazier
- Adele Goldberg
- Beth Levin
- Philip Rubin
- Don Winford
- Edwin Battistella
- Ellen Broselow
- Hans Henrich Hock
- Jane Hill (D)
- Johanna Nichols
- David Pesetsky
- Dennis Preston
- Thomas Roeper
- Deborah Tannen
- Penelope Eckert
- Louis Goldstein
- Jorge Hankamer
- Alice Harris
- Irene Heim
- Angelika Kratzer
- John J McCarthy
- Richard Meier
- Janet Pierrehumbert
- Elisabeth Selkirk
- Joseph E. Aoun
- Mary Beckman
- B Elan Dresher
- Anthony Kroch (D)
- William Ladusaw
- Diane Lillo-Martin
- James McCloskey
- Carol A Padden
- Peter Culicover
- Stanley Peters
- Susan Goldin-Meadow
- Mark Liberman
- John Rickford
- John J Ohala (D)
- Brian D. Joseph
- Ellen Prince (D)
- Stephen Anderson
- Sheila Blumstein
- Andrew Garrett
- Bruce Hayes
- Edward L Keenan
- Michael E Krauss (D)
- Joan Maling
- Shana Poplack
- Keren Rice
- Roger Shuy
- Dan Slobin
- Gregory Ward
- Judith Aissen
- Paul Chapin (D)
- John Goldsmith
- Jay H. Jasanoff
- Richard Kayne
- Howard Lasnik
- Sally McConnell-Ginet
- Marianne Mithun
- Geoffrey K. Pullum
- Jerrold Sadock
- Ivan Sag (D)
- Mark Aronoff
- Avram Noam Chomsky
- Sandra Chung
- Bernard Comrie
- Laurence Horn
- Larry M. Hyman
- Paul Kiparsky
- David Lightfoot
- Lise Menn
- Steven Pinker
- Sandra A Thompson
- Arthur S Abramson (D)
- Emmon Bach (D)
- Joan Bresnan
- William Bright (D)
- Joan L Bybee
- Charles John Fillmore (D)
- Janet Dean Fodor (D)
- Lila R Gleitman (D)
- Morris Halle (D)
- Eric P Hamp (D)
- Dell H Hymes (D)
- Ray Jackendoff
- William Labov
- D Terence Langendoen
- Ilse Lehiste (D)
- Winfred P. Lehmann (D)
- Frederick J Newmeyer
- Eugene A Nida (D)
- Barbara H Partee
- David Perlmutter
- Sarah Thomason
- Elizabeth C Traugott
- Calvert Watkins (D)
- Walt Wolfram
- Arnold Zwicky