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The Linguistic Society is a non-profit organization exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The LSA Federal Identification Number is 74-6043371. As a non-profit organization, the LSA may qualify for corporate donation-matching programs.

Charitable donations to the LSA are tax-deductible for those filing returns in the US to the extent permissible by law.

Please note

  • Kindly login before making your donation. 
  • For single contributions of $10,000 or more, donors may wish to specify a purpose for the gift other than one of the established contribution funds. Please consult the Executive Director for further information.  
  • The LSA retains two percent (2%) of all charitable contributions made for restricted purposes in order to cover its administrative costs.

Donor Information

Donation Information

- Provides support for student fellowships to attend the Linguistic Institute and CoLang
- Provides financial assistance to student members presenting at LSA meetings.
- Provides childcare services during Linguistic Institutes, the Annual Meeting and other events.
- Provides support for scholars experiencing economic hardship to participate in Linguistic Institutes, the Annual Meeting, and other events, and provides complimentary/discounted membership (including electronic access to Language) for scholars and institutions.
- Provides sign language interpreting services at Annual Meetings.

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Donation Amount : $0.00