Indigenous Scholarship Fund Committee


About the Committee

  • An Indigenous Scholarship Fund Committee will be established with six members. The president appoints committee members for 3 year terms and selects the Chair.
  • The inaugural set of committee members will receive staggered terms to set up a rotation with two members rotating off and two new members rotating on each year.
  • Each year, nominations for the committee will be requested from Natives for Linguistics and the Committee for Endangered Languages and Their Preservation.
  • All LSA members will be able to express interest in serving on the committee.
  • The committee’s charge will be to solicit and evaluate applications and provide a list of proposed awardees for the Executive Committee’s consideration.
  • Additionally, the committee will recommend to the Executive Committee the proportion of funds to be made available for the following year’s award cycle, not to exceed 20% of the available funds.


  • Wesley Leonard
  • Anthony Woodbury
  • Hilaria Cruz
  • Jorge Labrada
  • Monica Macaulay

About the Indigenous Scholarship Fund

Established in 2024, the Indigenous Scholarship Fund provides financial support for individuals who have a deep and personal connection to, or abiding interest in, an Indigenous community of the Americas or the American Pacific to engage in scholarship focused on the languages of those communities, including but not limited to their documentation, preservation, and revitalization. The fund may be used to provide travel grants to help offset the costs associated with presenting at the LSA Annual Meeting or other purposes that advance the scientific study of Indigenous languages, understood to be the systematic and empirical processes of observation, testing, and knowledge building of the kinds found both within the academic scientific community, and also underlying the generations of knowledge that reside within and arise from many of the traditions within Indigenous communities themselves.