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Website for Scholarly Teaching in Linguistics
During the 2019-2020 academic year, a group of linguists from institutions across the United States took part of a year-long Faculty Learning Community (FLC) on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in linguistics. The primary objective of the FLC is to increase the availability and quality of SoTL-related materials in the field of linguistics, leading to better pedagogical outcomes in K-12 and higher education, following many other STEM fields such as Chemistry, Engineering, and Psychology. The project has resulted in the training of a cohort of linguists who will promote inclusivity, mentoring, networking, and pedagogical development. The group meets online regularly, and is facilitated by the two Associate Editors of the Teaching Linguistics section of Language (Dr. Kazuko Hiramatsu and Dr. Michal Temkin Martinez).

This website contains resources and materials from past events and meetings.

Scholarly Teaching in Linguistics
This page was curated and designed by a group of linguists — the co-PIs and participants of a Faculty Learning Community focused on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in the field of linguistics supported by the National Science Foundation Grant No. 1924593 "Year-Long Faculty Learning Community on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for Linguists". Contains resources with a focus on effective and scholarly teaching that has emerged due to COVID-19 and the switch to remote learning.

Linguistics in Education Website
This site is a repository of lesson plans related to language and linguistics for use in K-12 classrooms. Some of them have been developed by linguists, some by K-12 teachers, and some by both. You may browse the lesson plans by title, subject, or topic area.

Information includes geographic location, genealogical classification, and bibliographical information about the different languages, dialects, and families of the world.

North Carolina State University Dialect Education Resources
Many resources that can help teachers discuss language and culture. Please explore some of our projects at the following links, as well as some links to other educational materials that may be useful to teachers.

Language and Life Project
The LANGUAGE and LIFE PROJECT at NC STATE is a non-profit outreach education endeavor to document and celebrate dialects, languages, and cultures of the United States. The LLP seeks to build awareness and appreciation of linguistic diversity through educational resources, television programs and award-winning documentaries.

Center for Applied Linguistics
The Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) is a non-profit organization founded in 1959. Headquartered in Washington DC, CAL has earned an international reputation for its contributions to the fields of bilingual and dual language education, English as a second language, world languages education, language policy, assessment, immigrant and refugee integration, literacy, dialect studies, and the education of linguistically and culturally diverse adults and children.

CAL’s experienced staff conduct research, develop language assessments and instructional materials, provide professional development and technical assistance services, offer online courses, and disseminate information and resources related to language and culture.

International Dialects of English Archive (IDEA)
The International Dialects of English Archive (IDEA) provides more than 1,000 recordings of English speech by natives of nearly 100 countries. Each recording includes a standard reading passage and a selection of unscripted speech.

The World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS) is a large database of structural (phonological, grammatical, lexical) properties of languages gathered from descriptive materials (such as reference grammars) by a team of 55 authors.

March Webinar: Digital Collections and Endangered Languages
The March 2022 webinar was held Friday, March 11. Presenters Claire Bowern, Irene Yi, and Sarah Babinski led a discussion entitled "How usable are digital collections for endangered languages? A review."

It is estimated that 32% of living languages are currently in some state of loss (Simons & Lewis 2013:10), and documentation of endangered languages is vital for preserving them (e.g. Berez 2013); some estimates place the figure at closer to 50% (Campbell & Belew 2018). Digital archiving has long been standard for linguistics, but the extent to which this material can be accessed and used for research and education varies. There exists no standardized set of protocols for language archives (Aznar & Seifart 2020), and it is important that researchers and communities who rely on archived materials are able to make the best use possible of those collections (cf. Baldwin & Olds 2007; Whalen, Moss & Baldwin 2016; Hinton 2003, 2018). We report the preliminary results of an investigation into the accessibility, discoverability, and functionality of archives, and on the features of archival collections that make them more or less usable for users. While we recognize that archiving is a complex task, and one that is poorly resourced across linguistics, we also find that digital language archives are not set up in a way that makes them easy to use (at least for common digital tasks). In this talk, we review several facets of archives and their collections. We discuss some of the ways in which archives and depositors can make collections more accessible, discoverable, and usable.

Webinar: Linguistics in High School: Pathways Toward Student Engagement
A presentation given at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America by Dr. Nicoleta Bateman, Professor of Linguistics at California State University San Marcos.

Interactive language maps

Webinar 2 of 3: Creating More Just and Inclusive Learning Experiences
Webinar: Creating More Just and Inclusive Learning Experiences

This was the second in a planned series of webinars on Racial Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Linguistics Curriculum. The webinar took place on Thursday, August 20, 2020, from 3:00 to 4:30 PM EDT. The webinar was ASL-interpreted. Please read on for a description of the webinar and panelist bios.

Mary Bucholtz (University of Caliornia, Santa Barbara) is a sociocultural linguist with a strong commitment to interdisciplinarity; in addition to her position in the UCSB Department of Linguistics, she is affiliated with the Department of Anthropology, the Department of Feminist Studies, the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, the Comparative Literature Program, and the Latin American and Iberian Studies Program.

Bucholtz' research focuses primarily on how social identities and cultural practices are brought into being through linguistic interaction. She has investigated this question in relation to race, gender, and youth identities as well as within the context of how undergraduate science and math students become socialized into scientific cultures through peer interaction.

Her current research seeks to explore the diverse forms of language and culture within California, especially in collaboration with graduate and undergraduate students as well as youth and educational partners in the Santa Barbara area.

Abdesalam Soudi (University of Pittsburgh) is a Lecturer and Internship Program Advisor in the department of Linguistics in the Dietrich School, and a Faculty Fellow with the University of Pittsburgh Honors College. He won the inaugural Diversity in the Curriculum Award in 2017 for his success in creating a diverse and inclusive learning environment; in 2018, he won the first-ever Pitt seed grant award for a proposal to build an engagement platform for connecting linguistics to the tech industry and communities. He led the publication of a special collection on Humanities in Health at Pitt, and he co-edited a volume called Diversity Across the Disciplines in 2020 and has also produced a documentary on the meaning and value of diversity (living and working together). He serves on the board of directors for the Pittsburgh Pastoral Institute. He is a member of the Dietrich School Faculty Diversity Committee. He has also served as a Mentor for refugees and immigrants with the Allegheny County Department of Human services. His research interests include sociolinguistics, electronic health records (EHRs), conversation analysis, Arabic linguistics and cultural and linguistic diversity.

Expanded access to this webinar is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1924593. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this webinar are those of the presenters and authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Webinar 1 of 3: Centering Linguistic Diversity and Justice in Course Design
LSA Webinar Series: Racial Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Linguistics Curriculum (first of three webinars)

This series of LSA webinars considers how linguistics instructors can give a more central role in their courses to scholarship from and about members of historically underrepresented groups and design them to be inclusive of diverse student backgrounds and experiences. They consider the entire linguistics curriculum, including subfields where concerns about representation and inclusion have not generally been in focus, and are being organized by representatives of a number of LSA committees, including Karen Adams, Emma Asonye, Claire Bowern, David Bowie, Lynn Burley, Catherine Davies, Kristin Denham??, Jeff Good, Mary Hudgens Henderson, Argyro Katsika, Sonja Launspach, Wesley Leonard, Anne Lobeck, Miranda McCarvel, Nathan Sanders, Lynn Santelmann, and Teresa Satterfield.

Ideas for additional webinars in this series are welcome. Please contact Jeff Good ( if you would like to suggest a specific webinar topic or if you have any questions about this series.

Expanded access to these webinars is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1924593. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this webinar are those of the presenters and authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.