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Resource Library Search Results For:  
Steam Train, Dream Train
The Five-Minute Linguist Bite-sized Essays on Language and Languages
Why Study Linguistics?
Career Basics Booklet
Center for Applied Linguistics
Endangered Languages Project
Guidelines on Ethics for LSA Publications and Conferences
Guidelines on Ethics for LSA Publications and Conferences
International Dialects of English Archive (IDEA)
Language and Life Project
Language Revitalization and Documentation The Newest Section of the LSA's Flagship Journal
Linguistics Career Launch
Linguistics in Education Website
Linguists in Industry: LSA 2015 Annual Meeting
Link to Timberlake
LSA Linguistics Beyond Academia Presents: A Webinar on Linguistic Entrepreneurship
LSA Webinar: Journal Publication, Demystified
March Webinar: Digital Collections and Endangered Languages
Meet the Authors- Gender Bias & Stereotypes in Linguistics Research and Teaching
Model Abstracts for LSA Annual Meeting
NHA Study the Humanities Toolkit
North Carolina State University Dialect Education Resources
Reciprocity and Accountability in Collaborative Language Work
Resources on Equity and Inclusivity in Linguistics (REIL)
Scholarly Teaching in Linguistics
September 2022 Webinar: Tenure, promotion, and academic review in documentary linguistics
Sources of financial support at the NSF
Speech Pathology Cheat Sheet for Linguists
Subtitle podcast
The North American Computational Linguistics Open Competition
Video: Technology and Training Overview: Tools and resources for language documentation
Video: What is linguistics and what can it do for me?
Webcast: Enterprising Linguists: Careers Outside the Classroom, Part I
Webcast: Enterprising Linguists: Careers Outside the Classroom, Part II
Webinar 1 of 3: Centering Linguistic Diversity and Justice in Course Design
Webinar 2 of 3: Creating More Just and Inclusive Learning Experiences
Webinar 3 of 3: This IS Linguistics: Scope, Positionality, and Graduate Apprenticeship When Diversifying the Linguistics Curriculum
Webinar: Abstract Writing How to Convince in a Page
Webinar: Applying for NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Webinar: Approaching a Queer Dialectology
Webinar: Being a Linguist on Social Media
Webinar: Designing an effective research poster
Webinar: How to Be a Successful Grad School Applicant
Webinar: Information session for first time attendees
Webinar: Job Recruitment from the Other Side of the Table
Webinar: LGBTQ+ Perspectives in Linguistics
Webinar: Linguistics and Human Rights
Webinar: Linguistics in High School: Pathways Toward Student Engagement
Webinar: Linguistics in the News How to Own It!
Webinar: Linguistics in the Public Sphere: an Advocacy
Webinar: Linguists and Linguistics in Tech
Webinar: Mastering the Art of the Linguistics Podcast
Webinar: Navigating Careers
Webinar: NSF Doctoral Dissertation Research Grants DDRIG
Webinar: NSF Funding Through a First-Generation Lens
Webinar: PennController for IBEX: A New Platform for Online Experiment Design
Webinar: Professional Paths for Linguists: Preparing for What’s Next
Webinar: Publishing in the Language and Public Policy Section of Language
Webinar: Research Funding for Documenting Endangered Languages at NSF and NEH
Webinar: Tenure, promotion, and academic review in documentary linguistics
Webinar: Working in Tech -- It's Not Just for Computational Linguists
Website for Scholarly Teaching in Linguistics
CV Design: Handout
Example File 1
Example File 2
Example File 3
FAQ: Applying to Graduate School
Fieldwork Challenges
Guidelines for avoiding misgendering in professional communications
Guidelines for communicating rights to non-native speakers of English in Australia, England and Wales, and the USA
Guidelines for Inclusive Language
Imposter Syndrome: What is it, who gets it, and how can you put it to good use?
Jobs and Interviewing
Language Style Sheet
Linguistics and the News Media: An LSA Guide for Linguists
Publishing How To's for Students
Resource List: Building Capacity in Linguistics and Endangered Languages at TCUs
Resources for applicants to the DLI-DEL grant
Sources of financial support other than NSF
Talking About Linguistics: A Public Outreach Guide
Using LaTeX in Linguistics
When Linguistics is on the Chopping Block: Demonstrating Departmental Value in the Face of External Threats
Whither Linguistics- Oh the Places You'll Go!
Displaying 88 of 88 results