Delegates & Liaisons

The LSA is working to foster collaboration with other organizations that have an interest in language and linguistics to advance goals of mutual interest in the policy arena. For more information on such work, visit our Advocacy page. The LSA recruits formal delegates and liaisons to external organizations as a mechanism for fostering collaboration.

Delegates represent the LSA at the meetings of organizations in which the Society has an abiding interest in having a voice. They file formal reports on the meetings and are eligible for up to $500 per year to reimburse the expenses they incur in attending the meeting of the related society.

Liaisons represent the LSA at the meetings of organizations which have interests overlapping with those of the Society. They are not required to file a formal report, and are asked to serve on a volunteer basis. Liaisons are asked to identify themselves as such at the meeting of the other organization, and should be prepared to answer questions about the LSA and direct interested parties to the LSA web site. They are encouraged to inform the Secretariat of events and activities in the other organization which may be of interest to LSA members.

Representatives are individuals appointed by the LSA to serve as voting members of national/international organizations and/or coalitions comprised of colleague organizations.

LSA members are encouraged to explore the links below, to volunteer as a Liaison, and to suggest additional organizations to which the LSA might wish to send Liaisons.

Organizations to which the LSA has Delegates

American Association for the Advancement of Science

American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)

Permanent International Committee of Linguists (CIPL)

Unicode Consortium

Semantics and Linguistic Theory

Organizations to which the LSA has Liaisons

American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)

American Anthropological Association (AAA)

Acoustical Society of America (ASA)

American Psychological Association (APA)

Association for Psychological Science (APS)

Cognitive Science Society (CSS)

International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee 37 (ISO/TC 37)

International Phonetic Association (IPA)

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

Organizations to which the LSA has Representatives

AAAS Science and Human Rights Coalition

Coalition for the Academic Workforce

CoLang Advisory Circle: The Institute for Collaborative Language Research

Consortium of Social Science Associations (COSSA)

National Humanities Alliance

The Joint National Committee on Languages