Language - Volume 99, Number 1 (March 2023)

When parsing and interpretation misalign: A case of WH-scope ambiguity in Mandarin

Ming Xiang, Zhewei Dai, & Suiping Wang

pp. 1-37, DOI: 10.1353/lan.2023.0004

A set-based semantics for person, obviation, and animacy

Christopher Hammerly

pp. 33-80, DOI: 10.1353/lan.2023.0005

A recent northern origin for the Uto-Aztecan family

Simon J. Greenhill, Hannah J. Haynie, Robert M. Ross, Angela M. Chira, Johann-Mattis List, Lyle Campbell, Carlos A. Botero, & Russell D. Gray

pp. 81-107, DOI: 10.1353/lan.2023.0006

The typology of external splits

Greville G. Corbett

pp. 108-153, DOI: 10.1353/lan.2023.0007

Reprise fragments in English and Hungarian: Further support for an in-situ Q-equivalence approach to clausal ellipsis

James Griffiths, Güliz Güneş, & Anikó Lipták

pp. 154-191, DOI: 10.1353/lan.2023.0000

Teaching Linguistics

Show don't tell: Engaging the public in language science through a participatory experiment

Sudha Arunachalam, Nick Bednar, Lindsay Burns, María Cobo Nieto, & Laura Wagner

pp. e1-e17, DOI: 10.1353/lan.2023.0001

Research Report

Exploring similarities in 'seem' constructions with experiencers in English and Spanish

Russell Simonsen

pp. e18-e34, DOI: 10.1353/lan.2023.0002


Linguistics education and its application in the workplace: An analysis of interviews with linguistics graduates

Lauren Gawne & Anuja Cabraal

pp. e35-e57, DOI: 10.1353/lan.2023.0003