EC Nominations, Student

The Committee on Student Issues and Concerns (COSIAC) of the LSA is soliciting nominations for the Student Representative position to the Executive Committee (EC), including self-nominations. 

We ask nominators to provide a brief statement (ca. 150-200 words) that explains why the student nominee is an appropriate candidate. Relevant factors include contributions to the discipline, evidence of commitment to the LSA based on past involvement in the Society, leadership skills, and a record of effective and active community service, among others. Members of under-represented groups are strongly encouraged to self-nominate. Nominees should be graduate students at the time of nomination and should remain students for at least 18 months of their term.

Student members of the Executive Committee serve a term of two years. The Executive Committee serve a term of three years. The Committee has four regular meetings a year: three extended meetings (in-person in January immediately prior to the LSA Annual Meeting, and virtually in May and September), with a short (generally 1-hour) meeting in November. These meetings are scheduled two years in advance and attendance is mandatory. Additional meetings may be scheduled as needed. Student members of the EC receive full reimbursement for travel and accommodations.

The Executive Committee serves as the governing Board of the LSA. As such, it provides oversight and governance for the LSA's operations as a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization. A major responsibility of the Executive Committee is to ensure effective implementation of the LSA’s Strategic Plan.

Issues that the Executive Committee is currently working on or are expected to face in the coming years include:

  • Positioning LSA as a "big tent" organization that is welcoming and relevant to linguists, whoever they are, whatever their area of specialization, wherever they work, and regardless of career stage;
  • Increasing membership value and member satisfaction;
  • Increasing member participation in the Society and attracting new members, including student members, international members, members working in industry and members from groups historically underrepresented in LSA;
  • Moving LSA toward financial stability to assure that it can continue to fulfill its mission to advance the scientific study of language into its next 100 years;
  • Exploring all viable options for our future annual meetings, so they are financially sustainable, accessible, and intellectually vibrant. 

To submit nominations:

Prospective nominators and nominees should also consult the more detailed description from:

Nominations should include the following:

  • ​A brief statement (ca. 150-200 words) that explains why the nominee is an appropriate candidate, addressing relevant experience as detailed above;
  • Current CV (or link to online CV);
  • Confirmation that the nominee consents to be nominated; a brief explanation of why the nominee is interested in joining the LSA Executive Committee and how they see themselves contributing to LSA’s mission and strategic direction. (We will ask the finalists who are nominated to provide a more detailed statement.)

Please send your confidential nominations and supporting documents to the Chair of the Committee on Student Issues and Concerns, Connor Rouillier, via no later than March 14, 2025. We particularly welcome nominations of individuals from groups that have been historically underrepresented in LSA governance. Self-nominations are encouraged.

After receiving your nominations, COSIAC will determine a ballot consisting of two nominees, one of whom will be chosen by the membership of the LSA, for the Student Representative position on the Executive Committee.