How to Create a New SIG
LSA members are encouraged to submit a proposal for the creation of a Special Interest Group. For more
information about SIGs, their activities, and how to organize one, see below.
What kinds of activities do SIGs engage in?
SIGs are encouraged to engage in a variety of different activities, including:
- holding special events at the Annual Meeting;
- ​submitting proposals for organized sessions at the Annual Meeting;
- creating a web page connected to the main LSA website;
- hosting virtual discussions with SIG members.
What is the first step in organizing a SIG?
A representative of the proposed SIG should contact the LSA Secretariat for advice on the process. The LSAStaff may suggest consulting with existing entities of the Society, such as committees. The LSA staff will also
schedule, upon request, an organizational meeting at an LSA Annual Meeting, which can be used to review
organizational plans and/or to ascertain interest in starting a SIG. Note that a minimum of six LSA members is
required to start a SIG.
What is the next step once interest has been ascertained?
Members of the proposed SIG should designate at least one convener, who will be the contact person forinformation about the SIG, contact with the Secretariat, and for organizing any SIG activities. The convener(s)
may be selected in any way the members of the proposed SIG prefer. The convener(s) should submit a
Statement of Purpose to the LSA Executive Committee (via the LSA Secretariat) giving the following information:
- the intellectual topic(s) and/or professional concern(s) around which the Group is to be formed;
- the need for such a Group, i.e., explanation of what it will contribute that is different from other entities of the LSA;
- the process for selecting future conveners;
- initial plans and process for developing information exchange/special event sessions at an annual meeting;
- a list of names and e-mail addresses of at least 6 current LSA members who have agreed to be members of the SIG.
The President of the LSA, in consultation with the Executive Committee where advisable, will review the
application and, if the decision is positive, authorize the formation of the SIG for three years.
What kind of technical support does the LSA provide for a SIG?
- The LSA provides various kinds of organizational and technical support to its SIGs:
- the Secretariat maintains a roster of SIG member names and e-mail addresses, as supplied by the SIG convener;
- the Membership Director assists in scheduling SIG discussions or business meetings at the LSA Annual Meeting;
- the Membership Director and the LSA Program Committee offer assistance in submitting a proposal for an organized
- session for the LSA Annual Meeting;
- the Secretariat assists in the drafting and updating of a SIG web page and publicizes the formation of a new SIG to
- the membership via e-mail and other media as appropriate;
- the Secretariat provides a Listserv for purposes of communication between members of the SIG;
- the secretariat provides financial and technical support for periodic teleconferences of the SIG;
- the Secretariat assigns a staff liaison for each SIG.
What is a SIG required to do?
A SIG should provide at least one ongoing mechanism for the exchange of information (e.g., an Annual Meetingspecial event, written communications, listserv, web page, etc.). It should also submit an annual written report of
its activities to the LSA Executive Committee at its January meeting.
To learn more, please see LSA's Operating Procedures for SIGs