Gary Miller
Posted: December 2019
The LSA regrets to report the death of Gary Miller (University of Florida, Emeritus). Gary joined the LSA in 1987 and was a renowned Indo-Europeanist and theoretical linguist. His contributions to the field of Linguistics are described in this obituary from the University of Florida:
“Born in Allentown, Pennsylvania, Gary Miller attended Moravian College as an undergraduate. He received his PhD from Harvard in 1969, with a dissertation entitled Studies in Some Forms of the Genitive Singular in Indo-European. He subsequently taught at the University of Illinois and McGill, for one year each, followed by an academic career of 40 years at the University of Florida. He retired at the University of Colorado in 2011… [his] major contribution to Germanic linguistics is his 700-page book entitled The Oxford Gothic Grammar (2019, OUP) – a monumental achievement of scholarship that will excite and enlighten scholars and researchers for generations to come.”
The full obituary from UF can be read here