Cathy Callaghan

Posted: December 2019

The LSA regrets to report the March 16, 2019 death of Cathy Callaghan (Ohio State University, Emerita). Cathy joined the LSA in 1955 and was a Life Member. Her contributions to the field of Linguistics and lifetime achievements are described in this obituary from Ohio State University (May 13, 2019):

“…Cathy was a specialist in the indigenous languages of the Bay Area in California, and was the world’s authority on the Miwok languages, a small language family that she devoted her scholarly life to. Her 1963 dissertation was a grammar of Lake Miwok, and after that she wrote substantial dictionaries of four Miwok languages. She published a summation of a lifetime of work on the languages in her 2012 magnum opus entitled Proto-Utian Grammar and Dictionary with notes on Yokuts (De Gruyter Mouton).”

The full obituary from OSU can be read here