• Join LSA Today

    Be part of the community of linguists who are advancing the scientific study of language and using their insights to make a difference in today's world.  

    Learn More

  • New in Semantics & Pragmatics

    "Metalinguistic gradability." Volume 17, 2024

  • New in Language

    "Developing linguistics educators: A qualitative study of graduate linguistic professional development." Allison Taylor-Adams, Kaylynn Gunter. Volume 100.2 (2024)

  • New in Phonological Data & Analysis

    "Sensitivity to complex onsets in Iron Ossetian." Amber Lubera. Volume 6 No. 2, 2024

Who We Are

#LSA2025 Selfie Frame with group of members including older and younger - including a baby, men and women, Black, White and Asian individuals, all smiling and looking at the camera,

LSA is a scholarly society for linguists and other interested individuals. LSA members include students, faculty, and linguists working in government, non-profit organizations, and industry. The mission of LSA is to advance the scientific study of language.  LSA plays a critical role in the development and dissemination of linguistic scholarship for the advancement of knowledge and betterment of society. 


Member Spotlight

Woman with short black hair, black eyes, oval glasses, warm smile

Sun-Ah Jun
University of California, Los Angeles

What I value about being an LSA member is that I can connect with other linguists in the Society and share our knowledge, findings, and excitement about linguistics, and get inspired by other members.  



LSA News

LGBTQ+ flag draped over flat surface with sign resting in the middle that says "My Pronouns Are:"

LSA has filed an amicus brief in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals regarding a Florida law barring transgender and non-binary teachers from stating their chosen pronouns or titles in the classroom. Contrary to Florida’s contentions, linguistic science demonstrates that pronouns are not making objective truth claims about biological characteristics, nor are they difficult for children to learn.